Services for Community Organizations

Training: Staff and Management Interaction

An alternative, creative approach to these two groups coming together. The exercises that Delve In facilitates evoke and require reflection and awareness of self and self with group. This reflective practice provides a way into power dynamics and relationships: ways of making visible the methods and habits that already exist within groups. Engaging with trust, vulnerability, awareness and support creates shifts in thinking about our roles, responsibilities and ways of engaging within the team.

Program Development: Staff Engagement in Work with Clients

This work shakes up our understandings of the techniques that we are used to using in our work with others i.e.) listening, supporting, judging. Within the context of working with those who are marginalized, a different way into our work provides opportunities to challenge dominant and further oppressive ways of relating. This work does not provide models of intervention but rather, ways of thinking about our own methods and making visible the things that we might not see within our practice.

Community Series: Connecting Neighbourhoods and Communities

Artistic, community engagement and collaboration are the focus of this work. Participants make meaningful connections between arts activities and their own experiences of social engagement –within their work, their communities, and within their families…any space where they find themselves relating socially. The course provides opportunities to engage with social dynamics artistically, activating and motivating participants in the context of creating community connections.


Get in touch to organize a workshop, course, or community engagement series with Cathy.

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