• Social Engagement through Improvisation – Student Workshop
    Delve In has had two opportunities to facilitate in a combined MSW and MFA course, Socially Engaged Media. The workshop used improvisational techniques and intentional discussion that focused on community engagement and participation.

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  • Power and Diversity in the Classroom – Teacher Training      
    Delve In has been commissioned to implement an ongoing, teacher training curriculum for Bad Dog Theatre Company’s instructors. This training is designed to initiate discussion and develop effective practices around inclusivity and diversity within the company and the wider, comedy community in Toronto.

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Social Services

Nellie’s Shelter for Women; Women Experiencing Abuse and Violence (WEAV) Pre-Employment Program

Delve In facilitated a 4-session workshop series with the participants in the WEAV program at Nellie’s Shelter for Women. These workshops focused on building individual confidence, group trust, and interpersonal skills through the use of improvisational, performance, and movement activities. Participants engaged in body awareness, leadership development and guided self-reflection. Through the use of context specific and sensitive, arts-based practices, Delve In brought humour and support to participants as they engaged in self-reflection and explored relational group dynamics.

Working Women’s Community Centre; All Staff Pre-Collective Bargaining Meeting

Delve In worked with both the Executive Director and the Manager of Settlement Services of WWCC to develop and define the goals of this workshop – to engage all staff together in a format that would allow them to gain comfort with one another and generate dialogue about their roles in the organization, their professional values, and their goals as a staff team. Delve In facilitated a workshop that involved a variety of creative practices including movement, body mapping, and clay sculpting to explore the needs, challenges, and strengths of the group, successfully meeting the pre-defined goals of the workshop.

Conferences and Presentations

Making Space for Intimate Citizenship Conference; Toronto Metropolitan University (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Connections Research Grant)

Delve In developed and facilitated a workshop for the conference “Making Space for Intimate Citizenship”. This conference brought together academics, self-advocates, and researchers in the field of Disability Studies, to collaborate and brainstorm pathways to social justice. Delve In’s workshop explored the topic of “Loving” and used arts-based practices to discuss and reflect upon ways in which loving is experienced by people labeled intellectually and/or physically disabled.

Power and Allyship in the Improv Community; Bad Dog Theatre Company; Our Cities on Our Stages Symposium

The Our Cities on Our Stages Symposium was designed to initiate discussion and develop helpful practices around inclusiveness and diversity in the North American, theatrical improvisation community. For the past 2 years, Delve in has been invited to participate in the symposium as part of a panel and as a workshop facilitator. The panel on ‘best practices’ was facilitated by professionals engaging with arts-based practices in the context of community service work. Delve In’s workshop session explored effective ways of bringing forward the values provided by the art of improvisation, into theatres and training schools.

Improvisation and Self Love. Workshop for the Young Women’s Conference – L.O.V.E (Let Only Value Enter), UrbanArts Toronto.

Delve In facilitated a workshop for UrbanArts Toronto’s “LOVE” conference. Working with 14-16 year old young women, Delve In explored the theme of showing compassion to ourselves. Through the art of improvisation, Delve In engaged participants in activities that focused on enhancing confidence, supporting ourselves, and connecting with others through collaboration and compassion.


Toronto Metropolitan University Disabilities Studies; Re-Imagining Parenting Possibilities Project (Ontario Ministry Developmental Services Grant)

Delve In collaborated as a consultant on a project that uses arts-informed theatre workshop techniques to enhance accessibility for people labeled developmentally and/or intellectually disabled. This project specifically explored the experiences of parents and expectant parents who are frequently deemed incapable of informing and commenting upon the decisions that shape their lives. Delve In’s role involved listening to the voices within the group and the research study, consolidating many differing artistic approaches to their already-in-motion project, and drawing forward and highlighting creative practices and pieces of the project that were either helpful or posing challenges.

University Lectures and Workshops

Bringing Awareness, Reflection and Openness to Research, PhD Social Work Courses Research for Social Change and Research Methods; McMaster University and Wilfred Laurier University

Delve In collaborated with professors to develop a workshop for their PhD Social Work Research courses. This workshop addressed several themes salient to student researchers; identity and motivation as a researcher; relationship with research participants; awareness of drive and intentions; how research narratives are shaped; how discourse shapes participants, ; how the researcher constitutes participants and is constituted by the research process and the participants. Delve In used improvisation to engage participants in their experiences of these themes and their own reflection upon these themes.

Improvisational Theatre as a Way of (Social Work) Knowing; Social Work Beyond Borders, Social Work Artfully. McMaster University in partnership with The University of Witwatersrand. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Delve In worked with faculty from both McMaster University and the University of Witwatersrand in a conference that explored the intersection of art and Social Work. Delve In facilitated a workshop in which, through the art of improvisation, faculty explored their own understandings of practice, research and education in Social Work. The book “Social Work Artfully: Beyond Borders and Boundaries”, was one of the outcomes of this conference with Delve In’s work described in detail in one of the chapters.

Learning Social Work Skills through Improvisation; Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany.

Delve In facilitated a workshop for Social Work students learning improvisation. This workshop focused on using the skills that they had developed in their artistic training, to help them navigate their Social Work practice education.